Tyrike Brown Designs: Haiku Poetry
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Tyrike Brown Designs: Haiku Poetry

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Tyrike Brown is a haiku poet and emerging entrepreneur who lives in Philadelphia, PA. He says about his poetry:

“Writing poetry makes me see things more clearly. It inspires me and gives me hope. I hope that people who read my poetry step out of their comfort zone and see things through my perspective. I want you all to hear my voice.”

Ty has been selling his work at community events in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Ty is a member of IDEATE Inclusion Resources where he came to develop his ideas and incubate his business.

The cards are moving and intimate snapshots into moments and feelings.

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Each card is a unique, hand-crafted expression with a different haiku. Ty plans to compile all the haikus into an artist’s book.

"Lost and Found"
“Lost and Found”